Xfig Slides

This fork of Xfig supports animating a static .fig figure for a presentation. The best use case is for animating your latex document's .fig figures in beamer (latex).

When writing presentations in latex/beamer, I used to find generating the animated version of a figure very frustrating. I used to start from the last animation slide (the fullest figure) and I used to gradually delete parts of the figure until I reached the first one slide. When I wanted to make even 1 single change (e.g. spelling mistake) I had to redo the whole process from scratch. If you had similar experience, then you should find this tool useful! If not, then don't bother.

This is experimental software! Please don't blame me if you loose all your precious work, your whole system crashes or if your computer catches fire. Proceed at your own risk!

Installation / Building instructions

Xfig should depend on development packages like these:
$ sudo apt-get install xutils-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libxpm-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libxaw7-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libxi-dev
Download ( https://github.com/vporpo/xfig-slides )
$ git clone https://github.com/vporpo/xfig-slides.git
Build Instructions:
$ cd xfig_slides
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ ../configure --enable-slides
$ make
Run without installing it.
$ ./src/xfig
OR you can install it to your system (WARNING: This WILL REPLACE your original xfig!!!):
$ sudo make install
$ xfig
If you have any issue check the README file in the source tree.

New Features (slides):

This modified xfig allows you to generate animated figures for use in latex (beamer) presentation slides. You can reuse an existing .fig file from your paper. You only have to annotate the objects with slides numbers and xfig will take care of generating the sequence of .fig and .eps slides.

These are the main changes in the interface:



Download this sample .fig file slides_sample.fig that demonstrates how slides work.

